- All content included on MORPH8NE.COM are our property. MORPH8NE owns the copyright of all contents on the website. The contents of the website can only be copied for your own private use. Any other use such as reproduction, modification and distribution are highly prohibited.
- All enquiries and emails are usually responded to within 24 hours. Response time may vary but usually within the 24-hour time frame.
- Due to lighting, different resolutions and calibrations of monitor screens – colors of products may differ.
- All prices are fixed.
- All items on the website are brand new.
- All size and measurement are approximate, however, we make every effort to ensure they as accurate as possible.
- All placing an order at Morph8ne you are responsible for original shipping charges, all applicable custom import fees, and the cost of return shipping back to Morph8ne. This also applies to any shipments that are refused by you at delivery. (https://morph8ne.com/shipping-return/)